Online Store

We are proud to offer the option for our artists to sell their work online through: pacificartsmarket.ca/online-store. If you ARE renting a space at one of our Pop-Ups, there is NO extra fee to participate in the online store. You get up to 10 items for sale online, and the commission for online sales is 35%. You organize the shipping, and the customer pays the shipping fees.
If you choose NOT to rent a space but wish to sell online with us, this is how it works:
There is a 1-time fee of $145 including tax.
You may submit up to 45 items with a max of 15 items/month.
IF your items have an average price point of less than $45 you may submit up to 60 items max 15/month.
The items stay up on our website until they are sold or until you want to take them down.
You are responsible for shipping the item within 3 days of purchase.
There is a 30% commission on each online sale.
The customer pays the shipping fees, you must provide the materials and packing. You are reimbursed for the cost of shipping.
Additional Options
Featured artist:
To become a "featured artist" there is a fee of $84 including tax. This includes:
Ecommerce Marketing Campaign - 2 items on the featured-main page of the online store for 1 month. You must indicate which items are to be featured on the forms.
Social Media Marketing Campaign - 2 social media posts on Facebook and Instagram (over 14k followers), 1 is a paid post (further reaching).
2 featured Items for sale on our Google Business page.
1 social media story tagging you and your product(s) on FaceBook and Instagram
Email Marketing Campaign - 1 featured mention in our ‘Product of the Month’ Newsletter (sent once/month to over 7000 subscribers)
1 Bio Post - featuring your artist bio and 3+ pieces of your work within your year subscription.
You will be provided with full instructions for either or both of these options once you’ve agreed to sign up, everything is very thoroughly explained and made as easy as possible for you along the way.
All items are posted to our social media, where we have over 12k followers combined across platforms. Our website currently gets over 3k hits per month, and this will continue to increase as we ramp up the promotion of the online store.
We are the biggest and best online platform for finding locally BC made art and craft works! There is nothing else like it.
To be a featured artist there is an additional $84 fee.
($84 + $145 (1 time fee above) = $229 total )