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Broken Ox Creations

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Adam Kelliher


I am a Professional Jeweler. Aside from taking on cutting contracts for mines and mass manufacturing other people's designs, I also make my own. My skill level at stone cutting is what I take pride in. Yet, I dabble in Metalwork as well.
I hunt many of my own stones, digging them out of the earth, chiseling them from mountain sides, and have traveled thousands and thousands of km's across USA and Canada to do so.
I have my own Gem, Jewelry and Crystal Shop in South Vancouver where I take commission, teach courses to local jewelers and make my tools and machines available for Drop-in Use.
My dream is to be a titan in the lapidary industry, fabricating artistic stone pieces that are based off the constituent stone's colors, hardnesses, inclusions, and abundant availability for the wholesale market.

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