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Martin Aston

Martin Aston
Martin Aston is a photographic artist whose creative journey has taken many paths. Two areas of interest have had a particular influence.
First and foremost is his adoration of the nude figure, revealed by low or filtered natural light.
Secondarily, Martin has had a fascination with natural textures and weathered surfaces.
Serendipity is a common event in an artist’s life. One day Martin wondered what would happen if he merged one (or several) texture/surface images with one of his nude figure photos.
The result was transformative in many ways.
Martin continues to produce new examples of what can accurately be described as his “body of work”. He has refined his repertoire of techniques and expanded his visual archive, allowing him to make every image totally original and unique... a creative alliance between artistry and photography.
This most recent series is literally a One Man Show. He is the photographer, the nude model, and the digital fx artist.
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